Seven Reasons To Eat Cheese

Seven Reasons To Eat Cheese.

Edited from an article in the March 2013 Edition of the Food Network Magazine
(Two of the reasons I have added can you guess which two?)

1) It may help prevent cancer!
A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that vitamin K2, found in Gouda, might help fend off cancer. (Better to be safe than sorry is my motto, and so many selections to choose from!)

2) It makes you smarter!
Those who consumed dairy products daily scored higher on tests of mental ability, according to new University of Maine research. (These findings are supported by the superior intellect of The Cheese Man customers. Wouldn’t you agree?!)

3) It supports your heart!
Research published in Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases shows Pecorino Romano may lower levels of inflammation. (How could you even think about questioning research printed in a publication with that name?!)

4) It keeps bones strong!
Calcium, protein and phosphorous are key for bone health, and parmesan is high in all three. (If you have a moment to spare, ask me about the process in which parmesan is made and my recent trip to Italy, next time in the shop!)

5) It may help prevent type 2 diabetes
In an American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study, people who ate 55 grams of cheese a day (two slices) were less likely to get type 2 diabetes. (As always follow the advice of your physician as I am qualified to dispense cheese not medical advice!)

6) It’s fun!
Customer feedback suggests that parties, where cheese is featured, are always more fun. (Who am I to argue with customers, unless of course they disagree with my opinions?!)

7) It tastes great!
Research suggests that with so many different types of cheese available there has to be at least one that you will absolutely love. (Let me help you find your personal favourite!)