Chaumes and Roasted Carrot Soup

Chaumes and Roasted Carrot Soup
~ Adapted from a recipe that a customer found in the Vancouver Sun..
Serves 6.

2 Tbsp butter
3 cups coarsely chopped carrots (for a sweeter taste use baby carrots)
½ cup coarsely chopped sweet onion
6 cups chicken stock
Salt and pepper to taste (depending on your chicken stock salt may not be needed)
100g Chaumes cheese (for a milder taste use Brie or a mild Camembert)
¾ cup 174ml whipping cream

Preparation and cooking:
Melt butter in a 9” square baking pan

Add carrots to pan and roast for approximately 20 minutes or until lightly browned. Stir occasionally.

Put carrots and chopped onion into a soup pot and cook on medium heat until onions are translucent. 2-5 minutes should do it!

Add chicken stock. Season to taste and simmer until carrots are soft.

Cut cheese into small pieces (easier when cold)

Pour 1/3 of the soup and cheese pieces into a blender and blend until smooth.

Combine soup, blender mixture and cream in a soup pot, stir and serve!

Pairings: Serve with a crisp glass of white wine.