Sliced Turkey with Benedictin Blue and Pear

Sliced Turkey with Benedictin Blue and Pear
(adapted from SwissMar’s Raclette Recipes (they make the racellete machines I loan out)

Serves 4


500 grams smoked turkey breast sliced (there are a number of interesting flavours now available in turkey breast so don’t feel restricted to just using the smoked variety)
500 grams 1/3 inch thick endive
300 grams Benedictin Blue
1 small pear cored , peeled and cut into quarters
¼ cup chopped almonds
Dash of Cayenne pepper

Preparation and cooking:

Dice turkey breast and your blue cheese

Cut endive in half lengthwise, remove core and cut into 1/3” wide strips

Slice and dice pear

Combine turkey, endive, pears and almonds. Lightly season with Cayenne (not too much!)

Distribute mixture into cooking trays (known as coupelles) and top with the blue cheese

Cook under raclette grill for 8-10 minutes or until cheese is totally melted